14th January, a U.S. Court struck down the most recent attempt by
the FCC to enforce net neutrality rules – its so-called Open Internet Order. The court found that parts of
these regulations violated the Communications Act's clear prohibition on
imposing common carriage requirements on networks like the Internet.
While many would argue that the
court ruling actually propels the FCC towards a more sensible regulatory
approach, several long-time champions of net neutrality reacted angrily. For example, Tim Wu, a professor at Columbia Law School, wrote an
article for the next day’s edition of The
New Yorker entitled ‘Closing Time for the Open Internet’.
He wrote:
“Acting together, the Internet service providers could
destroy Netflix by slowing its data to a crawl, making movies impossible to
“Netflix – which
has roughly 40 million subscribers globally – yesterday warned its investors
(and the wider world) that cable companies and other ISPs could arbitrarily
strangle access to online video sites or block them entirely unless, say, said
websites coughed up some cash. If this were to happen, Netflix vowed it would
unleash hell”.
So, a justifiable
declaration of war by Netflix? Well, not
quite… The Netflix ‘warning to investors’ was contained in that week’s letter to
shareholders by senior management. This
goes on to say:
“The most likely case, however, is that
ISPs will avoid this consumer-unfriendly path of discrimination… ISPs are
generally aware of the broad public support for net neutrality and don’t want
to galvanize government action… Moreover, ISPs have very profitable broadband
businesses they want to expand. Consumers purchase higher bandwidth packages
mostly for one reason: high-quality streaming video”.
Precisely, and the same point
is actually reiterated later in the Tim Wu article:
“These days, Internet firms like Google and Facebook are so powerful that
they could decide to turn around and demand that Internet providers pay them
for the right to access their sites. This is the norm in cable television.”
To my mind, the
net neutrality debate might finally have become interesting!